It has been awhile since our last blog update, and let's just say we have had a couple of adjustments. Sarahbeth returned to work a few weeks ago and we have had a house under construction! Nathan started daycare and has adjusted really well - he seems to enjoy playing with his new friends. He also had his six month checkup at the pediatrician, where he weighed in at a healthy 20 lb. 9 oz. and 27 in. long (the 93rd and 90th percentiles respectively). He is eating everything that mom makes (including the green beans and peas!) We still have no teeth to report but he is definitely getting more hair.
On Easter his Grammy and Grampy Manning came up for the weekend to spoil him rotten with attention. We took lots of pictures and a cute video of Nathan showing off in his excersaucer so enjoy!
Here Nathan plays in his exersaucer and blows raspberries
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