Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July at the Cape

It's hard to believe, but Nathan is now over 9 months old! He's still a big boy for his age - in the 85th percentile for height and weight at his latest checkup. He is also crawling everywhere, standing up in his crib, clapping, singing, and saying "Dada" and Mama".

We were able to spend the Fourth of July weekend at Cape Cod with Neal's mom, sister, brother-in-law, and niece. We had a great time relaxing on the beach and wandering around Martha's Vineyard. It was also a lot of fun watching the two cousins interact, with Nathan pulling Haley's hair and Haley yelling at Nathan and making him cry. By the end of the weekend they were palling around together in their little red wagon.

Nathan & Haley are official citizens of the Quahog Republic!
Playing in the grass
Tall ship in the Cape Cod Canal
In the wagon at the beach
Grandma & Nathan on Martha's Vineyard
Too much celebrating!
Katie, Haley, & Jonathon in Chatham

1 comment:

S, S, C & AK said...

Absolutely precious. It looks like you had a great time! We can't wait to see you guys again sometime soon :)