Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Busy Last Few Weeks

It is hard to believe that the last few weeks have flown by but we have been pretty busy - well, let's just say we have been busy trying to keep up with Nathan. It is amazing to us how much he changes every week. Nathan has graduated from eating rice cereal to oatmeal, which he seems to be enjoying. He is always trying to "help" Mom or Dad by holding the spoon or the bowl. Nathan and Mom have been attending her new mom's group once a week and playing with friends as much as possible. Mom and Dad even got a chance to have a "date night" last weekend and left Nathan with a babysitter for the first time (thanks Ashley!) Below are some pics we have taken of our little guy growing, so enjoy!

Nathan and his friend Colton

Posing for the camera

What a smile!

What? I can't eat this?

1 comment:

S, S, C & AK said...

What a Smile is right! My goodness, Aunt Sarah wants to squeeze those precious little cheeks! And Uncle Sean LOVES his Red Sox T and wants to know where he can get one for himself :)